September 19, 2024

Today, The Platinum Mask channel would like to introduce Miguel Cepeda for a conversation.

Hey! Please explain to the audience what you’re promoting.

Hi! I’m here to introduce myself, my story, and how real estate has changed my life.

What was the biggest obstacle in your journey and how did you overcome it?

I would say the biggest obstacle in my journey was venturing out of my comfort zone into a field I knew nothing about in the beginning and hoping to make it work. It was terrifying taking such a huge leap during such a crazy time that COVID brought, but I had no plan B. I knew I had to make it work. With enough practice and patience, I overcame my fear and I’m confident that I’m doing what I was meant to be doing.

What separates you from similar artist in the Dallas-Fort Worth area?

What separates me from most realtors is my passion to help people. Coming from a low income household where we were never taught anything about buying a house, I understand the struggles and take pride in nurturing my clients to make sure that when their time comes to buy, they are as prepared as can be and come out of the gate swinging. It’s a process that takes a great deal of time and patience, but everything is worth it once I hand the keys to someone that has been working endlessly to make it to that point.

Is there anything you wished you would have known earlier in your journey?

It takes time to see results. Real estate is not a career that you start and see immediate results (unless you are heavily connected). Being new in the business at one point, it was very discouraging seeing other agents land deal after deal while I barely struggled to make one deal work. What I had to realize eventually was that it takes time. Real estate is not a get rich quick scheme… it’s a get rich slow scheme and you have to stay the course to see the fruits of your labor pay off.

Do you have any favorite spots in the Dallas-Fort Worth area?

I’m a big fan of basketball so you know I have to root for the Dallas Mavs!

Were there any major challenges due to the covid-19 pandemic? How did you overcome them?

I think it’s safe to say COVID-19 showed that one was ready for anything. Real estate is a very interactive, face-to-face business. Take that away and you have to learn to adapt to bringing your whole life online and figuring out ways to make deals work virtually. Not to mention the pandemic created the housing funnel that we are slowly bouncing back from.

What was your upbringing like and did you discover your passion early on?

It took me a bit to find my groove in life, and even at this point, I don’t think I’ve fully discovered everything I want to do yet. I changed my major in college about 5 times because I was never truly passionate about anything I did. I dreaded the thought of having a 9-5 corporate job that I would spend the rest of my days at until I retired. When I found real estate, I discovered it had a lot of perks that would allow me to make a good living while helping people and still get to enjoy life on my terms by being my own boss. Win, win, win, and win.

Do you have a mentor and can you remember any key advice they have given you?

I never had a mentor in real estate. I was thrown into the ocean without knowing how to swim. Traditionally, a lot of newer agents go under the guidance of a mentor to walk them through their first deals, but in my case I had to learn from my mistakes. I remember having other agents yell at me and make me cry, I had times where I didn’t know what the best route was, and I even almost lost my license once because I did a little too much to help my client win an offer… but guess what? We won, she got her house, and that’s all that mattered. I believe there is no better way to learn something that by practicing it over and over until you get it right.

Were your friends and family supportive of your mission?

My friends, my girlfriend, and my mom were my biggest supporters when I started. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but they were there for me 100% of the time no matter what.

Any links you want to share for the viewers?