January 18, 2025

Leslie Carro is a bilingual copywriter with a knack for storytelling and content creation. She helps brands redefine their relationship with their audience, translating into ongoing loyalty. Throughout her professional career – she has always found success in leveraging an organized, process-oriented approach to complete projects, leading to satisfaction and efficient use of time for all teams involved. I’m excited that she agreed to jump on for a conversation.

What led to the original decision to move from Mexico to the United States?

I’ve always loved other cultures and languages. I remember studying English since I was 12 years old and even trying the German language when I was in College. In the end, Germany ended up not working out for me, and the United States was always in my heart. After all, I grew up making Disney trips with my family and watching MTV all day long. After a month of consideration, I made one of my life’s best decisions and I moved to Dallas, TX, where I created a career path and met the love of my life.

Was there any difficulty with work when you moved with limited English fluency?

There were some language barriers initially, but I was willing to do the work and try new things. Also, I was lucky to have coworkers and managers there to help me if I needed it.

Were you involved equally with social media and TV advertisements?

That’s correct. I love ads and you can find more of my work at mrcaro.com. I’ve tried everything, from sending personalized tweets individually to creating a nationwide campaign for a TV commercial.

Has the importance of TV commercials changed over time?

You might think that after the digital era, TV commercials will be obsolete, but it’s not the case. TV commercials continue to be one of the best forms of communication. I feel grateful to be in such a big industry that requires hundreds of people to do a 1 minute TV commercial.

I noticed you have a rich portfolio behind car commercials. How do you make one of them stand out from the sea of car commercials?

For me, having a powerful insight that your audiences can relate to is the key to making your commercials stand out from the crowd. Plus, knowing your strengths and weaknesses will put you on the right path.

Can you expand on the Yoga Cycle Classes that you offer?

Besides my love for words and ads, I have another passion: yoga. One of my goals was to do my yoga teacher certification, and in 2017 in the middle of a World Cup campaign, I decided I was ready to do my 200 hrs yoga teacher certification. Some days were heavier than others, but in the end, everything was worth it.

When COVID hit, we all found ourselves inside our homes. It was there that I decided to share my yoga knowledge, and I started the Yoga Cycle social media channels. I started giving free yoga classes once a week early in the morning to help us all get distracted and take a little bit of time off from the chaotic atmosphere. After everything that has happened, I believe we should prioritize our wellness now more than ever.