January 18, 2025

Today, The Platinum Mask channel would like to introduce Maria Douglas for a conversation.

Hey! Please explain to the audience what you’re promoting.

I am an event planner and balloon artist in the DFW area!

What was the biggest obstacle in your journey and how did you overcome it?

My biggest obstacle was when I just started balloons. I didn’t have a lot of knowledge, and had no idea what I was doing until I took classes which educated me a lot about the event planning industry.

What separates you from similar businesses in the Dallas-Fort Worth area?

I think what separates me is that I go above and beyond for my clients. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make sure they are satisfied at the end of the installation

Is there anything you wished you would have known earlier in your journey?

I wish I would have known how to charge for delivery and pick up ahead of time. Everything is a learning process at every installation I learn something new.

What was your upbringing like and did you discover your passion early on?

I have always had a passion for event planning. My old boss is an event planner as well she inspired me to finally let go of my fear and start my business!

Were your friends and family supportive of your mission?

My family and friends are beyond supportive. When I feel like I want to quit they always uplift, encourage, and keep me going.

Any links you want to share for the viewers?


1 thought on “Event Planning with Maria Douglas

  1. Maria, I also wish I had followed my dreams of event planning but I did not have the support I felt was required to succeed. Hold your dreams close to your heart and do what makes “Maria” happy. DO NOT ALLOW ANY PERSON OR THING HOLD YOU BACK!

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