September 19, 2024

What keeps you motivated and passionate when you see heavy alarms in the news?


Victoria Wyman | Owner

I don’t watch the news. The news is scary and disturbing. I also don’t want anything to get in my psyche. I believe that the markets constantly change, and you have to just change with it. We are constantly changing our strategy when it comes to advertising and marketing. We also keep all of the old-school tactics like cold calls. When you watch the news, it may get in your head that you won’t be able to stay in business, because the market is down. During covid, it was a prediction that we were going to go into a recession. However, our business did phenomenal during the pandemic, because I kept going to work as though nothing was wrong.

Trish Standley | Talk Show Host

For me guarding my passion and level of motivation is a lot like guarding my heart. I do not typically watch a lot of news for this reason. I tend to become ostrich like and dig my head in the sand at times. What I mean by that is – In order for me to stay focused and not be moved by emotions, temporary circumstances nor rumors – I have to put my head in the sand in order to maintain tunnel vision. Now I am not one to ignore seasons where a pivot in my journey is necessary; however I can’t allow certain things into my mind space that will deter me from completing my mission.


Alexia P. Bullard | Freelance Content Marketer of Booklexia Content Marketing

It seems as though we are all met with an onslaught of negativity in the news, regardless of which network we watch. There is always at least one deeply upsetting story that seems to stay with me, even hours after I’ve turned off the screen and focused my attention elsewhere. Staying motivated, passionate, and positive with all of the heavy news I take in daily can be difficult, but it’s not an impossible feat. The most salient step I take is controlling my intake of heavy alarms in the news and the source from which it’s received. I mostly read/watch local news networks and platforms. This still provides coverage of the important news topics I should be aware of, but they also share more wholesome and heart-warming stories than other networks. Seeing the positive actions of members of my community, and the way other business owners help the people in the local areas keeps me motivated and passionate to do the same. By that same token, I also actively search for positive news networks that focus primarily (if not completely) on feel-good stories and positive news events. Understanding and accepting the duality of the positive, uplifting news stories and the heavy, negative news stories is an inherent element of society, business, and life in general. All of us have moments in our life that bring pain and grief, just as well have moments that bring pleasure and joy. Knowing that a day full of heavy alarms in the news does not mean there are not also myriad positive events happening simultaneously, elsewhere on both a micro- and macro-scale, makes a significant difference in remaining motivated and passionate.


Andrés Monnier | Artist – Sculptor & Business Man

I guess that everything it’s about perception. We are capable to transform the way we perceive our reality. Most of the things we see in the news are focus to serve an specific purpose, to give an specific message and sometimes, to control people’s mind. So for what I understand, humans are incapable or fully control something, if that really exists. So For me is about just losing the need of trying to control everything and just go with the timeline, with the universe.

Sharon Arrindell | Inspirational Speaker, Author, Christian Counselor/Coach, Digital Magazine Owner, and Online Course Instructor

I believe God has given me the tools to produce streams of income, and although the world looks like it’s going upside down, I believe I will stay right side up. I am creating books, magazines, online courses, and a coaching program for couples, and I firmly believe that by utilizing my gifts in this way to help others, I will be blessed in the process.

Tasha Daniels | Momprenuer

I use my previous experiences, such as when my children and I were in a shelter, to help me move forward. I always keep in mind that things may not be where I want them to be, but they are nowhere near where they used to be. In continuing to move forward in anything you have to have grit, mental strength, and the ability to keep in mind that giving up is not an option. I tell myself that giving up prevents anything from getting better.


Deonte Bolden | Filmmaker, Playwright, Award Winning Author, Playwright Strategist

What keeps me motivated during heavy alarms in the news is my selfless WHY? Why do I love what I do? I go back to the beginning of why I started and make sure that I keep that in the forefront of my mind to keep pushing and know that someone , somewhere needs me to keep going while motivating and inspiring them to keep pushing forward


Bella Amore | Professional Model and Actress

God, my family and my accomplishments keep me motivated and passionate through hard times. With everything going on in the world you have to separate yourself sometimes for your peace. You cannot let things consume you to the point of giving up, that’s the time you push harder. When others are worrying your working. When people are complaining your working. During hard times you have to remember your “WHY” to stay motivated. 

Shatara Clark | Writer, Blogger, Publisher, Resumes, Books,

I have to remember that I am Offering a service that can become an income to someone else. I am creating a money-making opportunity, so when I see those alarms I know that someone is now looking at entrepreneurship and building their own brand and I know I can be a part of that.


Quashanda Washington | Talent Developer, Business Developer, Ghostwriter, Business Coach, Motivational Speaker

what keep me motivated and passionate after reading heavy news alarms? I will definitely have to say all the good news keep me motivated, I always try to find great news coverage about the good in the world, and I myself do a lot of good, and it make me feel great helping others.

Es’Synce Star | Artist & dancer

The thing that keeps me motivated is my best friend my other half O-E,Z. He’s always there to push me and remind me no matter what to keep going. These are the times to have something to talk about in my music talking about stuff we go through really connects to the audience.


Storm Landrum | Mentor

Praying keeps me motivated.