September 8, 2024

Today’s highlight goes to Chloe Campbell of Free Vibe Entertainment!

Hello Chloe, what have you been doing to stay productive during COVID-19?

COVID-19 has been a rollercoaster of emotions for many of us. In the beginning, I felt lost and uncertain of how things in my life could progress amid a pandemic. After this initial phase of confusion, I found ways to become productive during these trying times. My name is Chloe and I am the owner of the small music label, Free Vibe Entertainment based out of Dallas, Texas. Currently, I am the only artist signed to my independent label. Prior to the pandemic, I was beginning to record music for my next project. Once the pandemic started to take full effect around April I began recording more often. I invested in my own home recording equipment, and put my frustrations, doubts, and feelings into my music. This pandemic allowed me to take my time with the music and instead of rushing or trying to meet a deadline I could truly dive into how I wanted everything to sound and what I wanted the audience to feel. Even to this day I am still going back and tweaking things to make sure the vibe is right. After I began to get a hold on the music, I felt like I wanted to do more for my brand. Modeling was something I had been doing in my spare time for my friends that are creators, but I felt like I wanted to start creating more content in house. I remember feeling nervous to come up with my own concepts and bring them to life, but I prayed for direction and received just that. I began getting both behind and in front of the camera and developed the “Free Vibe Creative Direction Series”. This is basically a series where I capture and model different creative concepts from home. This has really become a love of mine that I think would have taken a lot more time to come to fruition if it weren’t for all the free time I have with the pandemic. This series started to catch the attention of my following which got me inspired to just do more for my business overall.  Free Vibe has a merch line with Sweatshirts and Lighters, so I worked on promoting that more heavily. I wanted to increase the reach of the merch, so I began scouting for ambassadors to represent Free Vibe. Currently we have about six in play that will be dropping content over the next few months.  I also released my first single after a year of no releases titled, “Where Do you Go?” that is available on all streaming sites. This song was written and originally recorded prior to COVID but tweaked and re-recorded during. It took on so much more meaning when re-recorded in the pandemic. The song talks about stepping away from everything and just reevaluating your steps to figure out what’s next. I will be releasing at home Video recorded performances of this song and others soon. I cannot say that COVID is not a rollercoaster of emotions, but it has also been a blessing in disguise. I have had time to reflect, grow my creativity, and truly evaluate where I want my brand to go. I also must remind myself that no one is suffering more than those that have lost family and friends due to this deadly disease. We truly must count our blessings and do what we can with the time we have. Follow Free Vibe on our social media to keep up with all we have in store!

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