September 16, 2024

The SERUN Foundation strives to provide a comprehensive/ holistic approach to combatting poverty and promote systematic socioeconomic growth within historically underserved and struggling neighborhoods. We began this mission by implementing our first program named Clean the Block Initiative. This initiative is an outreach program that tackles the disproportionate environmental effects on lower income communities. Through this program, our organization has operated in over 30 different communities across DFW and beyond. The SERUN Foundation's primary objective is to organize, equip, and empower community stakeholders while acting as a liaison between the neighborhoods, municipalities, and private investors. Our programs are tailored specifically for the neighborhoods we operate in and provide the necessary resources to tackle the the main issues that afflict the residence; not just the byproducts that stem from those issues. We urge all who've dedicated their lives to fighting injustice to stand with us and rally behind this movement!

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