Today, The Platinum Mask channel would like to introduce Nehal Kaiser for a conversation.
Hey! Please explain to the audience what you’re promoting.
I’m here to promote that Leadership is Influence.
What was the biggest obstacle in your journey and how did you overcome it?
Our biggest challenge has been effectively balancing our rapid growth with our impressive culture while emphasizing quality and simultaneously dominating quantity.
What separates you from similar entrepreneurs in the Dallas-Fort Worth area?
We make our peoples’ well-being and overall contentment a priority through constant training, developing, mental health coaching, financial advisory, spiritual meditation, and other endless resources. We are not interested in just helping our people make money. We are interested in impacting their lives forever. This has led to an organization with sincerely loyal coworkers from the top to the bottom.
Is there anything you wished you would have known earlier in your journey?
Make leadership development a priority from Day 1. Your true legacy and accomplishments are shown in the following generation of people you guide and train. Personal accomplishments are impressive but often selfish. Group accomplishments are everlasting and satiating.
Do you have any favorite spots in the Dallas-Fort Worth area?
Barnes and Noble, Nick and Sam’s Steakhouse, and First Watch. A mixture of nourishment for the mind and the body.
Were there any major challenges due to the covid-19 pandemic? How did you overcome them?
Due to our business relying heavily on face-to-face interactions and communication, we had an underlying concern that this could have impacted us in a major way as we began our journey. Any entrepreneur knows the most shaky part of business is the beginning where success and failure are both likely options. Through fearless determination we doubled down and improvised to create an opportunity to push forward and hire a great deal of solid employees who were freshly laid off and terminated because of the pandemic. Our uncertainty was squashed by ambition and we were effectively able to provide for 50+ employees who would’ve otherwise been unemployed.
What was your upbringing like and did you discover your passion early on?
Similar to most immigrants, we didn’t come from much, however, I was blessed with two great parents. My father is an extremely hard worker and driven. My mother has the kindest heart I’ve ever seen. The combination of those two things have allowed me to find my passion in sales and leadership. It wasn’t until I was roughly 21 years of age when I realized I had a genuine interest in helping and seeing others reach the next version of themselves. This brought me more satisfaction than accumulating wealth or personal achievements.
Do you have a mentor and can you remember any key advice they have given you?
I have had many commendable mentors throughout my life. Melvin Williams, Kirt Linington, and Larry Lopez have all taught me extremely valuable lessons at different stages of my life. Individually, they have given me key pieces of advice. 1. “Don’t trust any man who does not live by a set of values and principles.” – Melvin Williams 2. “Always have a plan and inspect what you expect.” – Kirt Linington 3. “Stop thinking you’re the shit. Always be humble. And always lead from the front.” Larry Lopez
Were your friends and family supportive of your mission?
I have been telling people for years that I will be successful. Unsurprisingly, most didn’t believe me. In the majority of cases, the lack of support came from their own personal setbacks and insecurities. These are often times indirectly projected on others. A great example is when parents vehemently advise their children against going into commission based jobs or entrepreneurship. This is due to them not wanting to see their children fail personally and financially or get hurt along the way. In some cases, the parents started their own businesses and failed, so now their perception of entrepreneurship is skewed. The reassuring factor that’s been consistent along my journey is the constant presence of those who may have disagreed with my choices yet still supported me and genuinely wished the best for me. Those are the people who are still around me today, and we are winning together.
Any links you want to share for the viewers?