September 16, 2024

Today’s highlight goes to Kim Cruzalta of NoTruTalent!

Bio: The NoTruTalent podcast is a podcast centered around topics like Toxic relationships, self care and seemingly everything in between through the eyes of 20 something year old host Kim. Make sure to check out the newest episode called “The Girlfriend,The Girl bff and the girl that only hangs out with guys” available on all platforms. 

Episode 3 of the NoTruTalent podcast was released on December 1st and dives into the concepts of second chances and revenge porn. On my blog, I’ve interviewed multiple dating blogs and consultants on the sticky situations that have people, out of loneliness and desperation in the COVID-19 climate, reaching back out to exes. What advice would you give someone about to send that “you up” text?

  • Personally, I get it. Being inside and having dealt with a break up this year , I definitely understand where that temptation comes from. Especially when it comes to reaching back out to THAT ex , it may seem like it’s the best thing to do in the moment and that it will get rid of all loneliness and be all butterflies and sunshine once you guys talk or see each other again but coming from someone who has actually reached out , it’s not worth it .One thing that’s snapped me out of the temptation of reaching out to an ex is remembering why they’re an ex in the first place. If anything, my advice is doing a pro/ cons list and face the reality of why you’re reaching out in the first place, whether it’s,  like I said to just talk , hook up or possibly rekindle the relationship is on you but know that it can be better to leave some doors permanently closed. But as i mentioned in episode 3 , if you really need to scratch that itch and feel like you can handle going back that route and wish to “try again” with that said ex, make sure to not ignore patterns and really focus on a person’s actions and intentions outside of that romanticized idea you may have of them in your head. In short, just be sure you’re doing it out of genuine intention and not out of just loneliness.  

On the episode “HOE-liday Green light” you also bring up your wide variety of odd jobs and trying to get rid of that dread for Mondays. How were you able to find that balance between taking care of needed responsibilities in possibly boring jobs while also still remaining optimistic and creative?

  • Well quite frankly , I would always remind myself that these jobs were only temporary and a stepping stone to new opportunities, mostly because they were just for me to make some side cash back in college. I personally have the tendency to consistently think about what i want my future to look like and I think having that mindset of “ everything will work out in the end, I’m where I need to be right now” really helped me out. I also think exposing myself to those boring jobs made me push harder to get out of them , that dread of going to those jobs made me really step up and work even harder to continue to push on with my goals. Plus in between those boring shifts , i would manage to daydream about things I would change or create if i wasn’t working right then and there and it let a lot of creative thoughts flow to kill the time , my note app on my phone was filled with insane ideas that i later got to build up on. The funny thing is , that I wasn’t actively creating things back then as i am now , but I always wished I had but somehow that inner creative in my always found a way to jump out. 
  •  One of the biggest things I would push myself to do through those super boring jobs is that even on the shittiest of days , I made sure to create at least one thing , whether it was copy of some phrase I would later draw a concept on or a doodle I did on a post-it in the office at least I could say that I made something that day. 

Your NoTruTalent art page consists of surreal, neon pieces with text stating “are these my real feelings or did I make them up again” and “is it worth picking up”. Does mental health awareness hold a special affinity from your experiences and do you see it informing your art at all?

  • Definitely, when I created some of those pieces i was going through a rough time , mental health wise and i managed to channel that through a lot of my art pieces. It’s so crazy to see the feedback I’ve gotten through some of my more emotional creations because when i made all that stuff I was just tapping into my emotions and the things going on in my head and I never really thought so many people could relate to the things i was experiencing. It was really an eye opening experience to see so much interaction with my art especially since it all just started from me just wanting a tangible hobby that I could see grow and progression in. Plus as corny as it may sound a lot of those experiences and phrases used in my art came from me forcefully  pushing myself into the dating scene before I was ready on top of that coming from a toxic relationship made it almost 5 times harder to just bounce back which is where a lot of that inspiration came from. Out of everything I’ve poured into my art , i think the biggest take away is really making people feel like they aren’t alone and that those moments of self doubt and fluctuating  periods between being okay or wanting to break down within the healing process are completely normal, weather it’s from a relationship or a friendship ending. In short, my infamous favorite thing to say “Seek Therapy”. 


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