September 19, 2024

What is your Role?

What is your role and industry? Is it typically a safe role/industry during economic uncertainty?


I am an artist in the music industry. The role is unsafe due to the industry being extremely oversaturated. It is very competitive right now and people with the most money are the most likely to succeed.

I am an artist in the music industry. The role is unsafe due to the industry being extremely oversaturated. It is very competitive right now and people with the most money are the most likely to succeed.

I work in women’s natural health and medicine. I am a board-certified integrative health and medicine practitioner, naturopath, and clinical herbalist. I formulate organic medicinal herbal remedies for predominantly women’s health, with a few that tailor to both men and women. I LOVE what I do. Health is not a fad or anything short-term, but rather a lifelong journey. Regardless of economical times, we will always buy necessities. So, perhaps instead of the expensive handbag that people will be purchasing less of for the time being, they will invest in their health and well-being. With the support of my free resources like my social channels, podcast, and website blog posts + research articles, we are more than just a brand, we are a lifestyle.

I am in the health and wellness industry as a vegan wellness consultant. I work with professional women of color helping them fall back in love with themselves through plant based and by cleansing naturally with herbs. This type of role has had its ups and downs during economic uncertainty. People recognize their health needs to be in tact in order to work and deal with the everyday stressors of life but they may not always have the funds to invest. It can be up and down but usually when speaking to people and I show them how when they feel amazing they are more likely to be creative and create different avenues to be more profitable in business it drives the value in being health conscious. If we aren’t healthy then we can not thrive in the workplace.

I am a Certified Public Bookkeeper in the Finance & Accounting Industry. I would say this role is typically safe during economic uncertainty. It is extremely important for businesses to have good accounting and bookkeeping systems in place during uncertain periods. Business owners’ first thoughts would be to cut costs and keep finances in line, and what better individual to offer consultancy than a bookkeeper? We are able to take a thorough look at expenses and suggest strategies on how to alleviate financial struggles during these times.

I am the founder and creative director of my apparel brand M.Y.H.M (May You Heed Manifestation). Streetwear to be exact. I would definitely say it’s a safe role to play during difficult economic times. It’s all a matter of adjusting to the situation which could result to a positive outcome.

I am a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and Licensed Acupuncturist in the health & wellness field. During times of economic uncertainty we often see stress levels skyrocket. Depression, anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues, and more tend to increase in prevalence and severity. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are incredible interventions for many of the harmful side effects that stress inflicts on the body. Unfortunately, insurance does not always cover these amazing modalities meaning that patients must pay out of pocket. When there is economic uncertainty and financial fear, some people make the choice to cut back all extra expenses and drop acupuncture services. While this is understandable from a financial standpoint, dropping preventative and holistic care can create problems down the line. The cost of living with stress, mental health challenges, body aches/pains, brain fog, menstrual issues, etc is incalculable. The delay in care may lead to a larger issue that ends up costing more in the end. To modify a well known quote: If we don’t make the time (and carve out the financial resources) for wellness, we will be forced to make time for illness. An investment in health will pay greater dividends than any stock because what is the value of money if you don’t have a healthy body and mind to enjoy it?

Hi, my name is Dafnie Prophete and I am the owner of e-commerce brand, “So Miami Clothing & Accessories”. During economic uncertainty, typically retail outlets take the hardest hits. Communities feel the need to stick up on necessities such as food and other everyday resources, and tend to show more discretion toward leisure activities and items. Also, during economic uncertainty one thing has a domino affect on the other. One example is shipping. During the pandemic, and even through now, shipping has been volatile; with shipping times taking longer, many products being out of stock with no information on restock dates, and shipping costs soaring. This all makes my role in retail quite stagnant during economic uncertainty.

Adrian Jstn | Entertainer & Entrepreneur

I am an Entertainer & Entrepreneur in the entertainment industry. These roles are two of the most unsafe and uncertain roles when it comes to jobs In general. You really never know where your next check is coming from in the beginning. You have to be strong & comfortable within yourself and your business. That’s the only way you’ll succeed.

I am a musician and rap artist.

Entrepreneur , soccer coach , beekeeper , wood worker , hustlers just try to make it any way we can. Growing food and taking names. We are safe because we are the boss. Are we uncertain of the future, yea , but isn’t that the fun of it all.

I’m a photographer and whoaaaa is it not.. When things are uncertain people don’t look for photography because it’s the last thing on their mind. So basically, when everyone else is broke, I’m essentially unemployed. I’ve had to get jobs and rely on my education to make a living in situations like those.

I am a creative, poet, author, actress and advocate. It’s not a typical 9-5. I work based off of crowd and demand. If the space is not available, I don’t eat. While the economy has people pinching pennies to survey we’ve had to get more creative and dip into other avenues and streams of income to survive while still pursuing out passions