March 7, 2025

Standing out during the Holidays

Stores including Walmart and Target have said shoppers are spending more on food and other necessities than on discretionary items, including furniture and toys. How do you make your business stand out during the holidays and do you offer special deals?

Business is cyclical, no matter your industry. During the down times cash can definitely be tight and while running a special might give you that pop of cash, you have to look at your bottom line and understand pricing items too low can be even more problematic. I think it’s more important to come up with a cash flow and savings strategy during the good times rather than coming up with a strategy based on specials during the bad.

I do holiday themed graphics and make my products holiday themed and i do offer special deals for certain holidays and i make my business stand out because I’m me and i make sure i incorporate that into my business

My business stands out honesty because its beauty. As a hairstylist for 20 plus years, I have never seen anything stop the beauty industry but covid-19. Regardless of what people are enduring or have to sacrifice, they will do just that for hair care, skin care, or nails. I think that everyone can agree that this is a very recession proof industry and there is always money to be made. I offer special deals such as hair bundle deals, 20% off during holidays such as Mother’s Day or Christmas. I also offer specials, coupons, and giveaways throughout the year. I recently started a reward’s programs which allows customers to use accumulated reward points instead of their hard earned cash. That has been a huge turnout for me and it creates repeat customers.

During the holidays I make our business stand out by marketing, promoting, and advertising on all social media sites. Having a business I feel as if promoting it and letting everyone know about it is a huge deal. You have to let people know what you have to offer, be as loud as you can with having a business. I do offer special deals during the holidays… sometimes I have discounted products or I even do box/bundle deals.. with the holidays I like to spice things up and have products that are themed or pretty much go along with whatever holiday is going on at the time.